Saturday, October 15, 2011

Day 15 - Down Syndrome Community

I am absolutely amazed with the Down Syndrome Community that I am so lucky to have become a part of. Before having Connor, I had no idea that there were so many people that have Down Syndrome. I did not actually know anyone who had Down Syndrome. Even before we left the hospital, a nurse came in to share her story with us about her beautiful teenage daughter with Down Syndrome.  This was my first positive experience in talking with another parent about it and it has been nothing but positive ever since. I have never once met someone who regretted having their child with Down Syndrome or who really had anything negative to say at all.

When we first came home, we wanted to connect with other families, but it was all still so new to us that we didn't really know where to begin. A few weeks after we were home with Connor, I got a letter in the mail from a mother of a seven year old with Down Syndrome who lived in a town very close to ours.

Since then I have joined the Northern New England Down Syndrome Congress, the Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress, and we started to attend the Morning Travelers playgroup in North Andover. We have met so many wonderful families through this playgroup. Connor has many new friends and I am so lucky to know their parents. I am now part of several different Down Syndrome Groups on facebook and

It is nice to have this amazing community because all of these parents understand exactly what we are going through at every step of the way. Whenever something new comes up with Connor whether it be medical, developmental or really anything else, there is always someone to turn to for advice. There is always someone who gets it and understands the situation.

Every single parent I have met is proud of their child and happy to be a parent of a child with Down Syndrome. I believe that we all go through a period of sadness for the loss of the child that we thought we were going to have, but then realize that child we were given is such a blessing. I am thankful that I have met so many new friends and know that they will now be there with me every step of the way.

Through this journey I met a great new friend, Kerry. She has a son, Ty, who is very close in age to Connor. They have become great friends. Together, we decided to start a playgroup in NH because we had been unable to find a local group and wanted new families to have a support group to go to. It is called Saturday Explorers and so far we have had two events. Through this group I have once again met some more amazing parents and some fabulous kids! 

I truly love the Down Syndrome Community we have become a part of!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, I love this! I'm so glad Ty and Connor have eachother...they've always clicked, huh??? We are going to have a blast watching them grow up together!
