Monday, October 31, 2011

Day 31 - My Letter to Connor

Dear Connor,

I want to start out by saying that I love you with all my heart.  Before you were born and we found out that you had a problem with your heart we were so scared. After you were born and we learned that you had Down Syndrome we were still scared. Afraid of the future, afraid you would be treated poorly, afraid that you wouldn't be given a chance.  Looking back at that time now I do not know why I was scared. You have taught me that there is nothing to be afraid of. Together as a family we can get through anything. You are the strongest person I have ever met. You fought through your time in the NICU and were able to come home just 10 days after you were born even though the doctors thought you would have to stay much longer. You fought through your heart surgery and your recovery. I know that you will fight through whatever is sent your way. You work so hard to reach all of your goals. You try and try again until you accomplish what you were working so hard to achieve. I admire your strength and your work ethic and you are not even 22 months old.

You have opened my eyes to a whole new world! I have learned that every person deserves understanding and respect. Every person should be given a chance to follow their dreams. Because of you I have met so many amazing people.  You make life interesting and fun. You always see the best in every situation and go through everyday with a smile on your face.

I love everything about you. I love your smile and your giggles. I love how you are so stubborn and will work at something until you figure it out. I love your tiny hands and feet. I love that even though you have the tiniest feet it is still impossible to get them in a shoe! I love your belly and the giggles I get when I tickle that belly. I love the way you blow a kiss. I love your hugs especially when you give an extra tight squeeze. I love the way you say mamamama and climb into my lap for a hug. I love your scar on your chest because it is a constant reminder of what a fighter your are. I love it when you dance and I know that I will love it when you sing once you learn to talk.  I love that you know how to give the perfect little smile to make me melt. You have me wrapped around your little finger =)

I look forward to seeing you grow up and seeing all the things that I know you will accomplish. You have taught me to love deeper than I ever thought was possible. That love grows deeper and deeper everyday and everytime I see you smile. We are all in this journey together and I can't wait to see where it is going to take us. I will be with you every step of the way. I love you with all of my heart Connor.


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