Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Day 12 - The best big sister

Connor's biggest cheerleader is his big sister Makayla!  It is very apparent that she absolutely loves her baby brother and would do anything for him. Of course she does get annoyed with him a times like all big sisters do with their little brothers, but that is what makes their relationship so perfect. Makayla only knows that Connor is her little brother.  It is nice that Makayla will be able to grow up with Connor and learn to be sensitive to all people with any type of special needs and know that it is just a normal part of life.
Connor and Makayla have so much fun playing together. They play what she calls roly poly and roll a ball back and forth. She always says ready, set, go; Connor signs go and the ball is rolled.

She read him stories and teaches him animal flash cards.

She taught Connor how to crawl by stacking blocks just out of his reach and cheering him on to move forward to knock them over.

She pushes Connor on the swing - sometime higher than I would like.

They have dance parties together and giggle like crazy.

They give each other the best hugs and play peek-a-boo.

She can always get Connor to giggle no matter what kind of mood he was in. She will practice jumping and for some reason he thinks that is hysterical.

Some days she shares her favorite teddy with him and other days he is the annoying little brother that steals it!

Connor is usually not in a very good mood when we are waiting in the car for Makayla to be dismissed from school, but as soon as she opens the door to get in he gives her the biggest smile and is happy for the rest of the ride home.

I just hope that Makayla and Connor stay friends like they are now forever. I know that all siblings fight, but I just have a feeling that they will be best buddies forever.

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