Friday, October 7, 2011

Day 7 - Early Intervention

I am going to take a break from Connor's medical mumbo jumbo, and talk a little bit about Early Intervention. Before Connor was born, I honestly had no idea what Early Intervention was.  I know that probably makes me sound very naive, but we had no experience with anyone involved with it. The birth of Connor was a huge eye opener for me, and I am grateful for all of the amazing people who have helped Connor reach his milestones. After Connor was cleared to begin PT again following his heart surgery, his physical therapist began coming once every week.  We have seen her every week since then and she is just as joyous as we are when Connor reaches a new milestone. We have cheered through Connor's triumphs and struggled through his challenges together. She has been there every step of the way and Connor lights up every time she comes to visit. In the beginning, we worked on tummy time and then moved on to supported sitting along with spending time on hands and knees. Once he mastered those we moved on to unsupported sitting and learning to crawl.  The more Connor has learned to do, the more fun his sessions become. Makayla loves it when Connor's therapists come and loves to be involved during this playtime.

As Connor got older an Early Intervention Specialist started coming in to play with Connor once a week as well. Together we work on communication and learning through play. Connor absolutely loves this time.  It has been such a learning experience for me as well. I saw Makayla learn and achieve all of the same milestones, but it just seemed to happen without working at it. It is nice to slow down a bit and see each step that needs to be taken to accomplish a new goal. Connor works so hard at each milestone and loves to learn. Connor's therapists have been such an important part of our lives and we can't thank them enough for their support and encouragement!

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