Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day 13 - Milestones

Happy 21 months to my little guy!  I cannot believe he is growing up so fast.

It seems like it is all about milestones for every baby. I remember it with Makayla; as soon as she accomplished one milestone everyone would be asking when she was going to do the next thing.  It all seems to happen so fast and kids really do just move from one milestone to the next without ever taking a break.  I always thought I would remember when Makayla accomplished each milestone, but looking back now it seems like it all happened at once.

It is actually really nice with Connor because we are able to slow down and appreciate each milestone as he reaches it. Since it takes him a little bit longer to accomplish each new step, we are able to celebrate longer. It is also nice that Makayla watches as Connor does all of these new things and she is his biggest cheerleader. She will come running in to tell me what Connor is doing.  When he was younger she would say, "Mama, Connor just rolled over," and then a few months later, "Mama, Connor is sitting up," and then a few months later, "Mama, Connor is on hands and knees." She is so proud when he does something new. I am amazed at how hard Connor works to acheive each goal!

When Connor was just 2 1/2 weeks old he rolled over. Although this only happened 6 times over 2 days and then stalled out for a while, we were sooo excited. Connor began consistently rolling over from back to belly at 5 months and then from belly to back very soon after. He always loved tummy time and early on we used to use the boppy to prop him up when on his belly. He loved to play this way.

Connor was a fantastic roller for several months. He wasn't sitting up yet and certainly not crawling, but we would find him at different ends of a blanket and at times at complete different ends of the room. Connor would roll and pivot all over the place and this was a great first way of movement for him.

When Connor was 9 months old he was finally able to sit up by himself using his arms to prop. He started doing it a little before that point, but always needed the boppy pillow behind him for support. Around 12 months he was able to sit completly unsupported and was able to use both hands to play while sitting.

At 10 months, Connor spent a lot of time on his hands and knees and rocked back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. We thought that he was so close to crawling at this point, but he was very happy just rocking and then going back to his belly to pivot and roll to get where he wanted to go!
Connor began army crawling at 13 months. I say it is an army crawl, but it looked more like and inchworm. He started out using both arms to pull himself forward, and almost looked as if he were swimming. Soon after, Connor added his right leg into the movement. He pulls with his arms and pushes with his right foot. Connor learned to crawl on hands and knees at 18 months, but will only do it for short distances because he finds that he is much faster on his belly.

Connor started pulling to stand at the couch or coffee table at 18 months.

Connor is now 21 months old and has just started cruising!!!! 

Like I said earlier, we are very excited when Connor learns something new and are able to celebrate just a bit longer before moving on to something else =)

I just love that smile! Happy 21 months Connor =)

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