Thursday, October 11, 2012

31 for 21 - Physical Therapy

Walking has been a slow process for us. Once Connor started crawling, he really mastered the skill and has become an extremely fast crawler and can get wherever he wants to go! For a long time he just did not have the desire to stand on his own or walk, but now that has all changed. He seems to be very motivated to walk and has made huge progress over the past few months. Connor learned to stand on his own from sitting position in the middle of the floor and can now stand for approximately 30 seconds at a time as long as he is distracted. He frequently takes 3 steps and then loses balance, puts his hands on the floor and stands back up to take a few more steps. He has taken 7 steps to walk to a toy on the table a few times as well. I am so proud of the progress Connor has made! I am still hoping that he is a full time walker by his thrid birthday, but as with everything else, we know that Connor will do it at his own pace =)

Below are some pictures of Connor working super hard at Physical Therapy. We started going to the PT Clinic at Children's Hospital in Lexington about 3 weeks ago. Connor uses a treadmill, walker, bars to help stabilize and plays with many other motivating toys to help build strength in his hips, quads, hamstrings, etc.  He is so proud of his accomplishments!

Connor absolutely loves the soccer ball hanging from the ceiling. He remained standing and would catch and throw the ball until it would hit him in the face and then he would crack up with his adorable belly laugh. That laugh gets me everytime and I can't help but smile and laugh along with him. Connor is such a silly kid =)

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