Wednesday, October 31, 2012

31 for 21 - Letter to Connor

Dear Connor,

A year ago today I wrote my first letter to you and I have decided that I am going to write you a letter each year. I am amazed at how much you have grown and accomplished over the past year. You teach me so much every day about working hard and never stopping until you figure out whatever it is you are trying to do. You work so hard to communicate with us and I am so proud of how many new signs you have learned over the past year. You have learned to stand on your own in the middle of the room and clap along cheering for yourself with everyone else in the room. You have learned to take steps and I really think if you stopped laughing so hard while you walk, you could probably walk a lot further.

You are so funny. You make me laugh every single day with your unique sense of humor. You have a different laugh for every occasion. You find the strangest things funny. As annoying as it is at times, I love it when you shake your head no at the most random moments when we ask you a question.

I love the way that you blow kisses and the way that you have learned to actually give a nice kiss on the cheek. You give the best hugs and squeeze so tight with a big giggle every time. I love the way you start tapping your feet and dancing everytime you hear the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song. That song used to make me sad because it was Makayla's favorite show when your heart defect was diagnosed, but now it will always make me smile because of how happy it makes you and reminds me of how perfect life turned out!

I love our daily storytime together. You refuse to sit in my lap, but snuggle right in next to me and rest your head on my shoulder as we read your favorite books. You love any book about a train and will request train book until we read one. We can never read less than 3 books. That is unnacceptable to you.

You have enriched my life in countless ways and I love learning new things with you every day. I look forward to each and every day we get to spend together and cannot wait to see where our journey leads us.  I am so happy that you are going to be a big brother. You are going to teach your little brother so many amazing lessons. I love you Connor!


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