Saturday, October 6, 2012

31 for 21 Day in the Life....

Yesterday was Connor's first evaluation for preschool. I cannot believe Connor is almost 3 and will be starting school in January. Where did my little baby go?!?  He had his academic and speech evaluations and the special education teacher and speech therapist asked if Connor would mind separting from me. As sad as it is, I knew he would not have a problem with that! So, they each took a hand and off they went walking down the hall, Connor having the biggest grin on his face the entire time because he was so proud of himself walking. We have a meeting scheduled in November to go over the results of all his evaluations so I do not specifically know how he did, but they said he was cooperative and did well. He did have a bit of a melt down the last 10 minutes and started to cry and pointed to his ear over and over again. They did not know what that meant but as soon as they told me I knew that he was asking for Daddy. For the past month or so that is how he has decided to sign daddy. He usually points to his ear and then signs car because he wants to go in the car with Daddy. He was very happy to see me when they brought him back out and was back to himself within minutes crawling and attempting to walk down the hallway.

Right after the evaluation we had to go down to Children's Hospital at the Lexingon location for Physical Therapy. Connor started there a few weeks ago and loves it! Out goal is for him to walk independently before his third birthday and we are hoping that the equipment they have in the clinic will help. More on PT in a separate post later! We spent an hour there and then came home for naptime. On the way home, Connor drank a yogurt smoothie for lunch and then I gave him some doritos in a zip lock bag. Normally when I give him a snack in the car he dumps it all over himself and the floor, but he was in love with the doritos. By the time we got to the bank near our house his face and fingers were covered in orange cheese but I did not find one crumb on his seat or in the car =) Connor fell asleep immediately and I had to wake him up an hour and half later to pick up Makayla from a playdate at her friends house. We then went up to my office for a few minutes to pick up work and then to Makayla's gymnastics class. Home for dinner, bath, stories and bed. Just another typical day for our family!!!

Working hard at PT

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