Saturday, October 20, 2012

31 for 21 - Celebrating Milestones

Milestones seem to be important for every child in the eyes of their parents. Everyone celebrates and remembers when their children say their first word and take their first steps. But for a parent of a child with Down Syndrome, it is so much more that that. Since it takes Connor longer to reach each milestone, it is a huge celebration when he finally accomplishes the big one and we get to celebrate all of the minor ones along the way.

To this day, Connor has still not spoken his first word. But we still celebrate each new sound that he makes. Jeff, Makayla and I are all so happy when we hear a new sounds come from his little mouth even if that means it may be days, weeks, or even months before we hear it again. We will hear it again and someday those sounds will be combined into a full word and that will be a giant celebration.

Connor is not yet an independent walker, but he has started taking a few independent steps at a time. We had celebrations when he first pulled up to stand along furniture, and then when he started to cruise along the furniture. It was like completing another milestone when he finally took steps behind a push toy. I will honestly never forget the day that he stood independently in the middle of the room from sitting or the night that he took his first steps. He stood on his own for the first time while on the beach when we were on vacation. The night he took his first steps, he was upstairs asking to watch his early learning reading DVD and stood up 3 feet away from the TV and then walked to the TV to get a better view. I was not there at the time (of course). I was downstairs working at the computer, but Jeff started yelling and cheering and stomping around upstairs. I could not figure out what he was doing, but then Makayla started yelling, "Connor just walked, Connor just walked." It really is a huge deal when Connor accomplishes something he has been working so hard to acheive.

I do remember that Makayla's first words were "dada" and then "book" which actually meant milk, but I have no idea when she spoke those words. And as for walking, I know that she was considered a late walker and was not a full time independent walker until around 14 months, but I honestly have no idea when or where it happened! They were never questionable things. We always knew that she would do them in a normal timetable.

We are so proud of each and every milestone that Connor hits regardless of how small it may seem. It is fun to be able to celebrate them for so long while working on the next one to check of the list.

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