Monday, October 15, 2012

31 for 21 - Connor's perspective!

I am not even sure where to begin. I am one busy kid. A typical day for me is very busy. I start out the day by waking up and playing quietly in my crib until someone comes up and turns the bright light on to begin my fun filled day. I change out of my pj's and into my clothes and then we head downstairs for breakfast and Mickey Mouse =) As soon as breakfast is done, we go outside and watch Makayla get on the bus. I love watching the big yellow bus come down the street. Makayla gives me a big hug and kiss goodbye and walks across the street. I help the driver know what to do my signing open as she gets near the doors. The door opens and mom and I wave goodbye as the bus drives away.

We head back into the house, cleanup our breakfast mess and my first visitor arrives. Usually when someone comes to play with me she either forces me to stand up and try to walk, or I get to sit in my tripp trapp chair and play with lots of different toys. It all depends on who it is! My favorits is when I get to sit in my chair. They take out a book of pictures and I am able to choose from 4 which one I want to play with first. It took them a little while to figure out that I obviously did not want to be playing with the pictures I was taking and tossing onto the floor. For some reason, they want me to pick the one I want, take it off the book and move it to a different area and then point to say "I want Mr Potato Head" for example. I don't know why I couldn't just do it the other way. I was being perfectly clear. During this time, my favorite toys are Mickey Mouse, Mr. Potato Head, books, and the tube that I get to spread open and wear as a hat! Sometimes they try to convince me that I want to play with puzzles, pegs, or ball toys, but they just don't seem to understand that my answer is no. I don't want to play with those toys and if I did, I would choose the picture! It is not that hard. One day, mom and my friend were being very silly and were forcing me to play with the peg toy. They wanted me to choose which color I wanted to put in next. I kept very clearly pointing to the "I want" picture and then signing cookie. I was saying, "I want cookie, please," I did not want the red peg, yellow peg or the blue peg. They think that I don't understand the pictures, but really they were just thaving a hard time understanding that all I wanted was a cookie!

After the visit from my first friend, mom and I leave in the car to go to the post office and then the bank. I love going for rides in the car so this is always one of my favorite parts of the day. When we get home another friend sometimes comes to visit. When one specific friend comes I get to play for a little while with any toy I want to from her bag and then I get to eat. This if my favorite time. They always let me feed myself and make a huge mess with yogurt, berries, cottage cheese, cookies...all kinds of yummy food.

Next, we go back in the car to go pick up Makayla from school. I don't like the time we spend sitting in the car waiting for her to come out, but once I see her I am back to smiles and giggles! We come home for lunch and then mom reads me 3 stories and puts me back in my crib for a nap. I love going into my crib, but am not always ready to take a nap. When I wake up from my nap we usually go back in the car to take Makayla to one of her activities like dance or gymnastics and then home again for dinner. This is when daddy comes home and definitely my favorite part of the day!

While mom or daddy cook, I play with all of the bibs and containers and pots and pan in the kitchen. We all sit down together for dinner and then get to go up for bath time. Another favorite part of my day. I absolutely love to splash in the water and take cup fulls to pour outside the tub =)

After bath, we play for a little while upstairs, stacking blocks or having a dance party and then read stories. Then it is time for bed and boy am I tired by this point. Let me tell you, it is a lot of work being 2 1/2 years old!

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