Monday, January 23, 2012


Connor saw his hematologist for his 6 month checkup today. We started the visit with a long wait in the waiting area and I noticed how grown up Connor is now. Though he still crawls around as fast as he can causing trouble, he has a great time doing it and smiles at everyone else waiting to be seen. We were actually alone in the waiting room for quite some time today and we sat doing puzzles, reading books, and playing with a fun nursery rhyme vtech toy.

Big Boy!

The nurses decided to draw the blood themselves today instead of sending us down to the lab. I thought this would be great so we wouldn't have to wait there too, but she missed the vein on the first arm, and then needed 3 other people to help hold him down and entertain him while trying to stick the second arm. Connor is normally very cooperative and doesn't cry during his bloodwork, but after the sleep study last night I don't think he was very happy to begin with.

His numbers all came back perfect and we cleared for 6 months. I asked the doctor how long we would see her on a bi-annual basis and she said until he is 5 and then it will be annually. She explained that based on the tranisent leukemia at birth, Connor has a 30% chance of developing Leukemia by the age of 5 and then the statistic drops to about 10% chance.

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