Thursday, March 15, 2012

26 Months

Another month has gone by so quickly and I am sad when I see how fast my baby boy is growing up! Connor may have some developmental delays, but he is not delayed on the stage commonly known as the terrible twos!! He has started to show his independence much more over the past few months, but it really seemed to come the same time he turned 2! He has started to give me these looks that say "really mom, are you serious?!?!" He rolls his eyes at me when I ask him to do things. Although he still does not say the word, he has clearly learned to communicate "no."  My very easygoing, go with the flow toddler is now determined to do what he wants to do when he wants to do it!

I bought Connor a new pair of sneakers that seem to fit perfectly with his sure steps and he is much more stable in standing now. He still does not want to let go of the furniture or my fingers, but I can just tell that he is moving closer and closer to walking everyday! He is so proud of himself and he should be =) Last month, Connor didn't want to walk at all when holding my hands, but now that it is nice outside he will walk all over the yard and even up steps without even trying to sit down! Huge progress.

Connor's communication is really picking up as well. He still has no spoken words, but he has no problem getting his point accross! He is starting to make requests through signing. Each night we will go upstairs and after doing pj's and brushing teeth he immediately starts to request books and music. It is so cute and impossible to say no. Now we are running into the problem of more book and more music!!

Here are some pictures from the last month.

Connor watching Makayla at soccer

Such a big boy

Pulled up to stand very nicely on his cousins trampoline, then took a big bite out of the foam! 

Connor loves to swing!

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog on babycenter and noticed Connor shares a birthday with my Claire! She eats the foam on our trampoline too. :)

    Connor is a doll and I look forward to following along.
