Tuesday, December 13, 2011

23 Months!

I cannot believe Connor is almost 2. Today he is 23 months; only one more month to go and he will be 2! What happened to my little baby?!?!  Connor has developed quite a personality over the past few months. Despite having his tonsils out 2 weeks ago, Connor has progressed a lot. He has become much more independent and is constantly on the go. He has mastered the hands and knees crawl and no longer uses the army crawl! This is very exciting because he can now wear white shirts without them turning black =)  He puts his head down and off he goes flying across the room. Fastest crawl I have ever seen. He has also become quite the climber these past few weeks and enjoys climbing into laundry baskets, onto the shelf of the bookcase and has even taught himself to climb an entire flight of stairs. He has no idea how to get back down, but is great at going up!

Connor laughs all the time and thinks he is so funny. When he makes it to the top of the stairs he stops to clap for himself and has a huge smile on his face! 

Although he is still not standing or walking on his own, he is much more stable cruising along the coffee table and the couch and can stand on his own for about a second.  He is very stubborn about walking but we know that he will get there in his own time.

Connor is excellent at following directions when playing with toys and his sign language is really coming along. He frequently signs: more, all done, eat, milk, sleep, book, play, bubbles, cars, as well as a few others. He has even started to put 2 together and has asked for more bubbles through sign language. In addiiton to picking up new signs, Connor is starting to add more speech sounds and although he still has no words, is trying to respond with sounds when asked a question. He is starting to try to immitate animal sounds and is working on saying hi an up.

The kids had a nice visit with Santa this month during our playgroup at the fire station. Connor was very interested in Santa's outfit and for the first time in 4 years we got a smile out of Makayla while sitting with Santa. This doesn't mean she smiled the whole time he was in the room. She hid for the first 10 minutes and slowly made her way over and we were able to capture one nice photo =)

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